This month the 41st annual National Nursing Assistants Week will be held from June 14-21. National Nursing Assistants Week celebrates the vital supporting role Nursing Assistants play in the delivery of quality care.
Nursing Assistants Week also provides an opportunity to foster and showcase the wonderful things Certified Nursing Assistants (also known as CNAs) do for their patients and the community.
This week serves to recognize the nursing assistants who dedicate their lives to the well-being of others. By exploring the role of nursing assistants, who are employed by hospitals and nursing homes and perform everyday living tasks for the elderly, chronically ill or rehabilitation patients who cannot care for themselves, we can see how invaluable they are to their patient’s lives.
Nursing Assistant Week is a wonderful ways to express gratitude for the work CNAs perform. And more importantly, is it a great opportunity to publicize the critical work that these direct caregivers provide.
What Are Nursing Assistants?
Nursing assistants play an important role in the care of their patients. They have developed a wide range of skills and wisdom about how to apply principals of person centered care to daily tasks of care.
It is reported that each day, more than 2.5 million nursing assistants help elderly, frail, or chronically challenged persons live in nursing homes, their own homes, and other long-term care settings. They provide nearly 80 to 90 percent of the direct care received by clients in long-term care facilities, bringing patience, a caring attitude and wisdom to their practices.
Attention is being directed to care of our elder and disabled citizens and greater attention also is directed to the workers who provide hands-on-care, and CNAs maintain the skills and confidence while moving forward in the nursing industry.
Thus, National Nursing Assistant’s Week provides a timely opportunity to present and inform the public about the wonderful things that can happen for residents and workers while teaming up during this week.
“Nursing Assistants: Creating a Community of Caring”
According the Bureau Of Labor Statistics, the demand for nursing assistants is expected to continue growing at higher than average rates, mainly due to an aging population where CNAs are the primary caregivers. After all, 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 each and every day.
CNAs embody what it means to be the ‘Face of Caring,’ and from June 14-June 21st, we are encouraged to say thank you!
CNAs not only provide basic quality of life care to patients of all ages in a variety of healthcare settings, they have daily contact and interactions with their patients and often serve as the eyes and ears of nurses, LPNs, and physicians.
Showing Your Appreciation For Nursing Assistants
During National Nursing Assistant Week, take the time to offer these caregivers thanks for the care they provide your parents and show your appreciation for the hard work that they do on a daily basis. Start by recognizing and honor nursing assistants’ hard work and dedication during this week and allow that to carry over throughout their year!
When people begin to understand the actual skills it takes to do the work of a CNA, you come to appreciate and understand the fundamental role that direct care workers have in creating quality in long term care in this country.
CNAs often form close bonds with your loved one and are there to help them through the challenges they face. It doesn’t take much to let them know how much you appreciate them!
Here are some ways you can thank them for the assistance they provide in caring for your loved one:
- Simply say “thank you”
- Always be courteous and kind
- Write a simple note of appreciation and thanks!
- Tell them how much the work they do means to your family
- Let their supervisor know what a good job they do
- Give them respect on a daily basis
Nursing assistants will certainly appreciate being recognized during National Nursing Assistant Week, but it’s important not to forget about their services throughout the year.
Visit to find out how you can thank Nursing Assistants this week.